Meditation is the best way to experience life as it is.

We tend to be swept away by thought, into the past or future. But meditation helps us increase our awareness of thought so that we can choose to live in the present moment.

“The antidote to exhaustion isn't rest. It's wholeheartedness.” - David Whyte

Wholehearted living, according to Brené Brown, means cultivating authenticity, self-compassion, a resilient spirit, gratitude, joy, intuition, trusting faith, creativity, play, rest, calm, stillness, meaningful work, laughter, song and dance. That sounds an awful lot like what we practice in meditation, doesn't it?


Join the Healing CircleĀ every Tuesday 6:30pm ESTĀ or the Receptivity Field Thursday 1pm EST for a live virtual energy healing session. Both of these sessions are F-r-ee!

Can'tĀ attend at that time?Ā Message me a time that works better for you and if feasible, I will add it!


21-Day Meditation Challenge

In this 21-Day Meditation Challenge Series, we explore various types of meditations so you can find the one that is right for you. This challenge goes very wide, introducing many different concepts and ideas, to help you create a new lasting habit, and many different avenues to continue to explore and deepen long after the challenge is over. Beginner level.

FREE for the full 21 days of the challenge!


30-Day Journey to Self-Love

Give yourself the gift of self-love for 30 days on this reflective journey.

Free virtual daily event recorded live with access to recordings for 30 days.


Own the series for the lifetime of the product. Includes bonus days to continue the journey beyond the 30 days of the challenge.

40-Day Meditation Challenge

10-minute daily guided meditations on various themes to explore, connect and instill a lasting habit. Includes 20 & 30 minute extended versions to suit different stages of your practice.


5-Minute Breath & Movement

This 3-week series focuses on whole body movements to breath. The movements can be performed slowly, for deep breathing and meditation, or quickly, for an energizing 5-minute power workout.

We slowly create the routine one new movement per day to create a lasting habit and seamless routine that can be done on your own.


7-Day Journey into Mantras

In this FREE 7-Day Meditation Series, we explore various types of mantras used in meditation. Every day will be reserved for a brand new mantra, a brief explanation behind the meaning of the mantra, 15-20 minute mantra meditation, and time for introspection.


7-Day Introduction to Tapping Meditation

In this FREE 7-Day Meditation series, we learn what tapping is and how it's done. We learn how to isolate limiting beliefs and we create our own script. And of course, we spend some time practicing what we have learned.


About Me

My name is Marie-Josee.

I am a mom of two beautiful girls, wife to an amazing husband, and creator of a life I absolutely love to wake up to every day.

We live part of the year on a beautiful island in the Caribbean called Montserrat, and the other part in Toronto, Canada.

I have a double-major in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Western Ontario.

I spent the first half of my career in front of a computer screen saving companies time and money. Then, in 2016 my mother passed away prematurely of pancreatic cancer. They say that death spurs you into action. It is when you realize that your life is finite that you throw away all the reasons why not, and pursue all the reasons why.

I decided that life was meant to be lived. I now create online spaces where people can connect, practice spontaneity and authenticity through play to live an authentic life.

You get one chance at this life.

Live boldly. Live passionately. Live with purpose.

Live. Love. Laugh.

Need help?

While you can go through life's challenges on your own, having a trained coach at your side can dramatically speed up your results. Coaches are not just for athletes, in fact, every leader and successful person has a coach. A life coach holds up your vision for you and helps you stay on track, dig deeper, and get more specific for your unique situation, goals and values.

Use coupon code FIRST-FREE to get a free initial consultation.

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