Why I preserve cucumbers.
Aug 19, 2023
I have been preserving cucumbers over the last week.
The first batch I lacto-fermented in 5x 2 litre (quart) jars. Lacto-fermentation preserves and even increases the bioavailability of vitamins and nutrients.
I vinegar-pickled the second batch because there is only so much room in my fridge. While lacto-fermented is the best way to preserve all the vitamins, it does require refrigeration.
It took some time to pick the cucumbers from the garden, wash them, prepare the jars, the ingredients for canning and the brine.
It made me think about our ancestors who had no choice but to do this. It wasn't a fun activity for them. It was survival.
Living off the land is hard work.
And it made me question if it's worth it. I can get pickles at the grocery store, after all.
So why bother preserving your own cucumbers (or anything else for that matter)?
Because just like I believe I cast a vote with every dollar I spend, I also think that I set the tone for the world I want to create with my every action.
I choose the world I want to create when I choose ease and comfort over what is profoundly right and soul-nourishing.
And I don't choose to buy into a system that has us believing we must work harder to earn more money to enjoy more conveniences.
Gardening, harvesting, and preserving food involves work, yes. But it's deeply right, soul-nourishing work, even if it's hard.
And what is the alternative?
Most of us trade these deeply nourishing experiences for working harder at a job we don't even like.
We feel depleted. Our life lacks lustre, joy or fun.
And so we constantly feel like we need to turn our life off with distractions and numbing.
Can you relate?
Where are you trading what you most desire to create in the world, the life you want to live, or the feelings you long to experience, for working harder and earning more income to pay the high cost of that trade?
It's worth thinking about.
I am multi-passionate. I love to do a lot of things. That's because I choose to live. I want to experience the fullness of life.
And I always consider the cost of working to earn money for something at the expense of what is so much more deeply soul-nourishing.
What about you? I'd love to hear your thoughts about the things you do, not because it's easy, but because it's deeply right and nourishes your soul.
Much love,
Life. Love. Laugh. It matters because YOU matter.
Ps. Here are my pickle recipes in case that speaks to you:
Lacto-Fermented Cucumbers
- Large stock pot for salt brine.
- 5x 2-liter (2 quarts) wide-mouth mason jars with air lock lids
- 18 pounds small picking cucumbers (I used quite a few larger ones as well, and it worked fine, but the smaller ones are best)
- 3 jalapeño, sliced and seeded leave seeds for more spice (optional)
fresh dill - 10 tsp mustard seeds
- 10-20 fresh leaves of raspberry, grapes or oak (for crispiness)
- 10-20 cloves of fresh garlic
- 8 Tbsp non-iodized salt
- 4 L (qt) filtered water
Use dishwasher rinse cycle without detergent to sanitize jars OR rinse then place jars sideways on oven rack and heat at 275 degree Fahrenheit for 15 minutes.
Mix filtered water and salt until salt is completely dissolved.
Put each of the following in the bottom of each jar: 4 cloves garlic, crushed, 2 tsp mustard seeds, a sprig of dill, a few slices of jalapeño, 2-4 fresh leaves
Stuff each jar with cucumbers, leaving ½ inch of headspace at the top of each jar. Pack as tightly as possible to minimize air space. I like to pack cucumber cut into 1/4 or 1/6 which packs much tighter than whole cucumbers.
Top up the jars with salt brine. Out air lock lid and tighten.
Place jars in cool dark place on counter for 3 days. Rotate jars a few times a day on day 2 and 3 to help release trapped air bubbles.
Store in refrigerator for up to 6 months.
Shelf-stable Preserved Cucumbers
- Deep stock pot for water bath with insert
- Large stock pot for brine.
- 10x liter (quart) mason jars with metal rings and new lids
- Canning jar lifter and tongs to handle hot jars and lids
- 18 pounds small picking cucumbers (I used quite a few larger ones as well, and it worked fine, but the smaller ones are best)
- 3 jalapeño, sliced and seeded leave seeds for more spice (optional)
fresh dill - 10 tsp mustard seeds
- 10-20 fresh leaves of raspberry, grapes or oak (for crispiness)
- 10-20 cloves of fresh garlic
- 2 cup sugar
- 1 cup pickling salt
- 2 L (qt) water
- 2 L (qt) white distilled vinegar
Use dishwasher rinse cycle to sanitize jars OR place jars sideways on oven rack and heat at 275 degree Fahrenheit for 15 minutes.
Put each of the following in the bottom of each jar: 1-2 cloves garlic, crushed, 1 tsp mustard seeds, a sprig of dill, a few slices of jalapeño, 1-2 fresh leaves
Begin to boil vinegar, water, salt and sugar in large stock pot.
Stuff each jar with cucumbers, leaving ½ inch of headspace at the top of each jar. Pack as tightly as possible to minimize air space. I like to pack cucumber cut into 1/4 or 1/6 which packs much tighter than whole cucumbers.
Begin to warm water in water bath pot.
Boil metal lids in a sauce pot. After boiling, remove from heat, but keep near. Do not drain from water.
Once brine is boiling, use a small pot or ladle to top up the jars with brine. As soon as brine is in jars, put lid and ring on each jar and tighten.
Place jars in hot water bath. Make sure jars are fully submerged once last jar is placed and continue to boil for 20 minutes. Remove from water, let cool for 24 hours before putting in storage.
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